Arianna is a happy, ambitious and charming 4 years old. At 6 months old she started having seizures. After three months of seeing specialists and tests at the Hospital for Sick Children Hospital she was diagnosed with infantile spasms, global developmental delay, hypertonia, and lissencephaly. Which means her brain did not develop properly.
There is little known about Lissencephaly and its not very common. Lissencephaly effects one in very hundred thousand children. At the time of her diagnosed they told me Arianna would not pass 6 month both physical and mentally.
Arianna started having seizures again after three years of them under control with medication. These seizures have definitely taken a toll on her. Before Arianna could to speak about twenty to thirty words now she hardly speaks at all. They have also affected her mobility she not as balance as before. Before she could walk with one hand assistance but now she is very unbalanced.
Arianna will be going to school this September and I hope that the iPad helps her gain her voice back and helps with her hand and eye co-ordination.
Arianna has already surpassed the doctor’s expectation; she has climbed mountains and I’m hoping this iPad will gave her back what these seizures having taken away from her and give me more tools to help her reach for the sky.