Christopher is a beautiful, loving and super happy 5 year old! He was born with very rare Joubert Syndrome, which has left him with many medical issues.
His mom says, “It breaks my heart to see his challenges, but he brings such hope and strength to me as I see him overcome his obstacles. He is my Hero!”
Christopher has had 9 surgeries (heart, stomach, eyes, feet etc) with more to come. He is on a feeding tube, developmentally delayed, visually impaired, non verbal and was also diagnosed with Autism at age 4. Christopher never learned to crawl or use his fine motor skills as he also has hypotonia and ataxia. This causes poor coordination, poor balance and lack of muscle control.
Christopher doesn’t have any supportive seating to help him enjoy sitting safely to play with his toys and doing fun activities. He loves to try new things and this would allow him to enjoy life as a child! With your very generous donations you have made this dream a reality. We could never have been able to provide this for Christopher without your help.
As a single mom, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!