Norah is a joyful energetic 7 year old girl who loves to play and be active outside and spend time with her younger sister Chloe.
Kleefstra Syndrome affects Norah’s muscle tone and causes frequent aspiration, pneumonia and lung infections. She is globally developmentally delayed, non-verbal and has muscle fatigue.
At 20 days old Chloe suffered a Brain Trauma Injury. She has cerebral palsy and CVI (cortical visual impairment) which means her brain can’t interpret what her eyes see. She is able to sit on her own and can roll from her tummy to a sitting position. Chloe needs to use supportive equipment to stand and walk.
Having a bike to ride will help Norah maintain a healthy weight and build strength in her legs. The bike will also facilitate positive social interactions with her peers in her community, help her co-ordination skills and develop a stronger attention span.
Having an adaptive tricycle would mean Chloe could ride with her sister Norah, and also her big brother, Owen. It would give them both motivation and valuable social time together cheering one another on a ride. Chloe would benefit from the physical activity that bike riding gives. It would train her brain for the ability to walk.
Thank you for making this wonderful childhood experience a reality for these two very special girls!